Isle of Wight: Residents discuss ExxonMobil gas pipeline proposal

Original Report: story)

More than 150 residents of the Isle of Wight attended a Green Party meeting to oppose ExxonMobil’s proposal for a carbon dioxide pipeline, known as the Solent CO2 Pipeline Project. This pipeline would transport CO2 from the Fawley oil refinery to a storage site under the English Channel. Vix Lowthion, a spokesperson for the Green Party, expressed concern about the potential negative impact on the island’s natural environment and heritage. She emphasized the community’s strong opposition, urging for investment in renewable energy sources instead of continued reliance on oil. ExxonMobil stated that the pipeline will utilize carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology to safely store the CO2. Michael Foley from ExxonMobil encouraged public participation in the ongoing consultation process. The proposed timeline includes a statutory consultation in spring or summer of 2025, with a final application for development consent in 2026. Cameron Palin, co-chair of the Isle of Wight Green Party, criticized the project as a prolongation of fossil fuel dependence, advocating for investment in renewable resources like wind and solar energy, which he believes represent the future of energy.